The word "Thanks" is not enough to thank Sandy for making me attend this program amidst our busy life schedule!!! A path to understand life in new dimensions!!
16th Dec 2012
After the induction program into Shambavi Mahamudra and Sadhguru's speeches, I slowly started understanding that I'm not the body, not the mind and not the world around.
The first (very first) experience was when a small houselfly sat on my face. Usually i tend to shoo it away and get irritated about it. But today, I realized that it is a part of me and i am a part of the fly too. The essence of "Oneness"... i let it play on me for about 20 seconds on my face. It walked on my cheeks, nose... doing no harm at all. And it went away. It was such a bliss to watch another tiny living being touch me and doing no harm to anyone.
This is the same way saints live with animals... like Ramakrishna Paramhamsa, Sadhguru and others. They love all living beings and let them play on them.
I understood the inportance and uniqueness of Rudraksha through the class and internet research.
I experimented with the rudraksha on various veggies at home. To my surprise, I was astonished by the rudraksha's power in finding the energy in anything. And i also had a mystic feeling in me, when i could feel within me before the rudraksha could show the change outside. Then I decided to wear rudraksha, to keep my energy balanced and unaffected at all times.
17th Dec 2012
Today after the Kriya, I felt that my mind was in a different world for a few minutes. My body was here.. but not my mind. To bring back my mind to present took me some time.
18th Dec 2012
Today while doing Kriya... I felt like laughing... I was laughing without any reason... the vibration of my laughter caused tears in my eyes flowing without my knowledge. I experienced a bliss!! an unexplainable feeling.. when something happens without your knowledge/logic/intention.
Started to think a lot about each moment and everything around me.. had lot of questions coming to my mind. Answers also emerged after deep thinking. Like the comparison between over-religious people with yogis... why does someone become God-like for a short time and behave differently??? (Sami varrathu) It's nothing but excess energy flowing in them... the same thing can happen if one meditates or alligns body, mind and energy... vibrations may arise in the body and they may act differently. they forget about everything around them and concentrate on one thing - God.!!
A child's behaviour and it's energy? The child has no presumptions or knowledge.. the true self. As one ages why do they become like a child again? because that's the path back to origin. . A complete circle!!
16th Dec 2012
After the induction program into Shambavi Mahamudra and Sadhguru's speeches, I slowly started understanding that I'm not the body, not the mind and not the world around.
The first (very first) experience was when a small houselfly sat on my face. Usually i tend to shoo it away and get irritated about it. But today, I realized that it is a part of me and i am a part of the fly too. The essence of "Oneness"... i let it play on me for about 20 seconds on my face. It walked on my cheeks, nose... doing no harm at all. And it went away. It was such a bliss to watch another tiny living being touch me and doing no harm to anyone.
This is the same way saints live with animals... like Ramakrishna Paramhamsa, Sadhguru and others. They love all living beings and let them play on them.
I understood the inportance and uniqueness of Rudraksha through the class and internet research.
I experimented with the rudraksha on various veggies at home. To my surprise, I was astonished by the rudraksha's power in finding the energy in anything. And i also had a mystic feeling in me, when i could feel within me before the rudraksha could show the change outside. Then I decided to wear rudraksha, to keep my energy balanced and unaffected at all times.
17th Dec 2012
Today after the Kriya, I felt that my mind was in a different world for a few minutes. My body was here.. but not my mind. To bring back my mind to present took me some time.
18th Dec 2012
Today while doing Kriya... I felt like laughing... I was laughing without any reason... the vibration of my laughter caused tears in my eyes flowing without my knowledge. I experienced a bliss!! an unexplainable feeling.. when something happens without your knowledge/logic/intention.
Started to think a lot about each moment and everything around me.. had lot of questions coming to my mind. Answers also emerged after deep thinking. Like the comparison between over-religious people with yogis... why does someone become God-like for a short time and behave differently??? (Sami varrathu) It's nothing but excess energy flowing in them... the same thing can happen if one meditates or alligns body, mind and energy... vibrations may arise in the body and they may act differently. they forget about everything around them and concentrate on one thing - God.!!
A child's behaviour and it's energy? The child has no presumptions or knowledge.. the true self. As one ages why do they become like a child again? because that's the path back to origin. . A complete circle!!
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